A Synchronized Strategy for IT and Business

Why Today's CIO is the Conductor of the Modern Digital Enterprise

From a traditionally behind-the-scenes function to a far more visible post today, the responsibilities of a CIO have certainly expanded. IT leaders must be across so much more, like market challenges, rapid technological advancements, cybersecurity, compliance, and more. Without a doubt, significant expectations and growing responsibilities are falling on the shoulders of the modern CIO.

Today’s CIOs must know what’s going on in the broader business world at a much more granular level than before. They need to translate the changing landscape into how this relates to and impacts their enterprise and industry by aligning data with business vision, creating sustainable business outcomes, and more. This shift in responsibilities has become more apparent in recent years, with approximately 71% of the respondents in the 2023 State of the CIO anticipating more involvement in business strategy over the next three years.

As part of our NextGen Series, this discussion paper explores the key areas CIOs should prioritize in order to effectively lead their organization towards future business success. 

“The role of the CIO has evolved dramatically over the past few years, to include the regulatory side of things and staying up to date with technology advancements and business requirements. On top of this, it’s now the CIO that must put their hand up and flag any issues.” Ciaran Roche, CTO, Coevolve

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