Media & Digital Marketing

Nowhere is the ‘data deluge’ more prevalent than in the media and digital marketing world where new digital opportunities abound and leading players are at the forefront of technology. These media, digital marketing, and entertainment industry enterprises are constantly seeking to extend rich media experiences and interactivity with consumers.

The relatively small amounts of bandwidth and long lead times of traditional networks are seen as real limitations to the core business. It’s no surprise that media and digital marketing businesses are always some of the first to embrace disruptive new approaches. We bring deep industry knowledge, independent thinking, and a wealth of hands-on experience to industry-relevant solutions.

Challenges faced by the Media & Digital Marketing industry

  • Enable greater bandwidth and throughput for the ever-increasing amounts of video and other rich media content demanded by the customers
  • Support applications that are highly sensitive to network delay and poor performance, such as online gaming
  • Increase adoption of cloud-delivered applications such as CRM, e-learning, etc., resulting in performance challenges on slow, capacity-constrained traditional WANs
  • Use all available data to build analytics-driven customer insights, building individually tailored experiences online or in client locations such as store and entertainment venues
  • Support pop-up marketing initiatives with real-time digital signage, including fresh audio and video content delivered over the WAN
  • Heavy use of unified communications and video conferencing for collaborating with colleagues, clients, partners, and suppliers, often across borders
  • Constantly look for opportunities to reduce costs, as technology spend is such a major cost line item in the P&L, while simultaneously improving the responsiveness and productivity of support teams

In such a highly competitive environment a sustainable economic model for the WAN is required to facilitate growth and new services. Coevolve’s managed services can help the Media & Digital Marketing industry overcome these challenges.

Coevolve’s co-managed services help our clients with the following:

  • Scale operations more effectively
  • Obtain more competitive infrastructure costs
  • Launch new products to drive revenues
  • Leverage innovative new technology platforms
  • Deliver highly intuitive and interactive customer experiences
  • Help attract and retain top creative talent.

All of this is achieved through a highly data-driven service model with new and insightful analytics made available to the enterprise that helps iterate for success.

The Rise of Telco-Independent Networks

As part of our NextGen Series, this eGuide delves into the evolution of network architecture and the emergence of telco- independent networks.