Spotlight on Asia: The End of Complex Hybrid WANs

Presented by Tim Sullivan, CEO of Coevolve & Kangwarn Chinthammit from VeloCloud

Bandwidth costs in Asia (especially MPLS) can vary significantly between countries and many enterprises depend on a hybrid WAN strategy to achieve reach and keep costs down. However, designing and deploying hybrid WAN architecture can be complex and requires expensive resources to manage traditional network configurations.

Software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) can transform existing hybrid networks into a dynamic, adaptive environment that uses all available bandwidth more effectively.

In this webinar our panel of networking experts share real-world experiences and outline key approaches for getting more out of existing networks in Asia Pacific. We share our perspectives based on numerous regional deployments on how SD-WAN has transformed many of our clients’ networks to be adaptive, flexible and cloud-ready.

What we covered:

  • Why enterprises in the Asia Pacific region have adopted complex hybrid WANs
  • How SD-WAN can simplify hybrid networks and bring costs down
  • How to deliver a seamless, simple, high-quality experience by combining hybrid WAN infrastructure with an SD-WAN overlay
  • How we are already helping global enterprises adopt the technology in Asia
  • Benefits achieved by enterprises that have adopted SD-WAN in their hybrid WAN environments

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