The Rainfall After Cloud

The Reality of Global WANs in a Cloud-First World

The dramatic changes that Cloud, Mobile, Social, Big Data and SDN (Software Defined Networking) are bringing to the enterprise network are in many ways redefining the challenges faced by IT professionals. This leads to many questions to be addressed. Do these amount to challenges or opportunities? Perhaps they are both.

The Rainfall After Cloud is a thought-provoking discussion paper that discusses the issues at play – the applications are actually getting further away from the end users and when the definition of the perimeter of the network is so blurred it is now virtually meaningless.

Another industry has already solved this problem, and learned how to fail faster to improve quality. What matters is Agility.

True agility is something that can be gained, it’s just a matter of evaluating the possible options (often best achieved by getting hired help), making quicker decisions and implementing changes swiftly to stay on top of the sudden downpours that these changes are bringing to the network.

“There are no rules of architecture for a castle built in the clouds”

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